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- Newsgroups: rec.travel.misc,rec.travel.air,rec.answers,news.answers,alt.internet.services,alt.answers
- Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!world!iecc!johnl
- From: john@iecc.com (John R. Levine)
- Subject: Eaasy Sabre, OAG, and other on-line airline information FAQ
- Message-ID: <sabre-199516@iecc.com>
- Followup-To: rec.travel.air
- Summary: access to on-line airline info and travel agents (weekly)
- Sender: johnl@chico.iecc.com (John R Levine)
- Supersedes: <sabre-199515@iecc.com>
- Organization: I.E.C.C., Cambridge MA
- Date: Sun, 16 Apr 1995 17:34:03 GMT
- Approved: johnl@iecc.com
- Lines: 248
- Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu rec.travel.misc:10832 rec.travel.air:43840 rec.answers:11353 news.answers:42051 alt.internet.services:48411 alt.answers:8682
- Archive-name: travel/air/online-info
- Last-modified: 1995/03/28
- * Is there a way to get airline schedules on the Internet for free?
- Yes, finally, but the longer answer is more complicated. See below.
- * Is there a way to get airline schedules on the Internet if I pay for it?
- Definitely. See below.
- * What's available for free?
- PC Travel is an on-line travel agency that lets you telnet in, check fares
- and schedules, and make reservations. Credit card number required to
- check fares and make reservations, but they won't issue tickets or charge
- you until you specifically say to do so. Data come from APOLLO, the
- United Airlines reservation system. Tickets are issued through PC Travel,
- paying with a credit card, generally delivered the next day by FedEx. I
- find it relatively slow and clunky compared to Eaasy Sabre, but
- considering that it's free, it's great. Telnet to pctravel.com.
- * What other reservation systems are available?
- There are three computer reservation systems available to the general public:
- EAASY SABRE: Run by American Airlines, lets you check fares and schedules
- on all airlines with computerized reservations (all but the most obscure),
- and make reservations for yourself and others. Tickets can be sent by
- mail, issued by airlines at the airport or city ticket offices, or by any
- travel agent with a Sabre terminal, which is nearly all agents in the U.S.
- You can keep a lot of profile info on-line such as frequent flyer numbers
- and meal and seat preferences which are automatically inserted into
- reservations you make for yourself. Your ID is your AAdvantage frequent
- flyer number. Official Recreation Guide available at extra cost. Line
- oriented command language, e.g. to ask for flights from Boston to San
- Francisco on July 4 around noon:
- /AIR,BOS,SFO,4JUL,1200
- It will prompt you field by field if you don't know all the parameters.
- TRAVELSHOPPER: Run by Worldspan (formerly PARS), which is Delta, Northwest
- and TWA, similar features to Eaasy. Interface is a little clunkier, but
- there are some features not available on Eaasy such as open date tickets,
- and experienced users can type through menus faster. Same ticketing
- options, but fewer agents have Worldspan terminals. No travel club, less
- detailed profile. Line oriented command language with optional prompts,
- same query as above would be:
- A;BOS;SFO;4JUL;12n;1
- The 1 means one person travelling.
- ON-LINE OFFICIAL AIRLINE GUIDE: Similar data and commands to the other
- two. It used to be better than Sabre and Travelshopper, but now
- everyone's updated in near real-time. Lots of other random stuff, e.g.
- frequent flyer newsletter and flight departure and arrival info (they can
- show you the contents of the flight info TV screens from some airports.)
- Airlines and a few agencies can issue tickets.
- * Are these the same systems that travel agents use?
- The underlying data are the same, but the interface is different. Some
- data are visible to agents, but not to these systems. A good way to work
- is to make the best reservation you can on-line, then call a travel agent,
- tell him what you've reserved, and see if he can do better.
- * How do I get access to them?
- Eaasy and Travelshopper are only available via gateway systems, OAG
- directly or via gateways.
- Eaasy Sabre: GEnie, Compuserve, Delphi, Prodigy, AOL, eWorld
- PARS Travelshopper: Compuserve, Delphi (gateway currently down)
- OAG: Direct subscription, Delphi, Compuserve, GEnie, Dow Jones News Retrieval,
- AT&T InterSpan.
- Telnet to Delphi: delphi.com, no surcharge.
- Telnet to OAG: oag.com, no surcharge.
- Telnet to Compuserve: compuserve.com, hostname CIS.
- AOL: 2.0 version of their software speaks WinSock. FTP from FTP.AOL.COM.
- Compuserve has a front-end program called CIM which runs under Windows and
- can make access and navigation somewhat simpler, is only intended for
- direct dialup use, not via telnet. A program called COMt, available at
- ftp://ftp.std.com:/customers/software/rfdmail/comt.zip, makes a Telnet
- connection look enough like a dialup port to make CIM work.
- For dial-in access, Delphi is on Sprintnet and Tymnet, no surcharge nights
- and weekends. Compuserve has its own extensive network, or is available
- via Sprintnet at a surcharge. OAG is on Sprintnet and Tymnet, no surcharge.
- * How much do they cost?
- Eaasy and PARS are available at the base rate for all of the on-line
- services that offer them except for Prodigy.
- Delphi offers a five-hour free trial when you sign up; you can use PARS
- and Eaasy during that time. AOL also usually offers a free trial period.
- Gateway systems charge a substantial surcharge for the OAG, e.g. Delphi
- charges 59 cents/min peak, 42 cents/min off-peak. A direct subscription
- to the OAG is much cheaper, per-minute rates are lower than the surcharge.
- Call 800-342-5624, ext Q714 for a 15 day free trial, $25 signup if you
- continue. If you subscribe directly, the OAG waives session charges if you
- make or cancel a reservation during the session. The OAG has no monthly
- minimum, which is good for occasional users.
- * Isn't there anything available without signing up?
- Canadian Airlines has an experimental WWW server with schedule info.
- You get to it using a WWW browser that supports forms such as Mosaic.
- The URL is http://www.cdnair.ca. Lufthansa has some info at the
- Electronic Newstand, gopher to enews.com or telnet to enews.com, login enews.
- * What about on-line travel agents and clubs?
- Eaasy Sabre offers Traveller's Access, run by Comp-U-Card which for $49/yr
- rebates 5% on air, hotel, and car rentals for you and family members that
- they've ticketed for you and family members when you send in receipts. In
- my experience, their agents are not very good.
- Travel-by-Modem <travel@delphi.com>, is run by a small company in Belmont,
- Mass., primary access via Delphi, but Internet e-mail is fine, too. Costs
- $39/yr, sliding rebate on tickets depending on price and how delivered.
- Rebates mailed automatically quarterly. Lots of useful coupons and
- discounts. That's the agency I use. Although they have a national
- clientele, they're 1/2 mile from my house, which may bias me somewhat.
- NOTE: All of the descriptions below are edited from info provided by the
- agencies themselves.
- Compass Point Travel <bert@cptravel.com> is a full service agency that
- welcomes Internet customers.
- Stephanie Alford <lunisea@netcom.com> is a full service travel agent who
- welcomes Internet customers.
- Edward Hasbrouck <ehasbrouck@igc.apc.org> at Travel Time, San Francisco
- around-the-world specialists; also other discounted international tickets;
- NOT a general-purpose, corporate, or domestic travel agency.
- The Travel Tree <tree@io.com> is a full service travel agency that welcomes
- Internet customers. They use consolidators and offer discounts. For more
- information send email with the subject of "info" to tree@io.com.
- Jason Chase <jchase@netcom.com> represents Hotels Plus which offers discounted
- hotels world wide and discounted rental cars in Euurope. Internet users get
- a 10% discount. WWW at file://ftp.netcom.com/pub/jchase/html/info.html.
- Lloyd Colston <lloyd.colston@mgmtsys.com> is an outside sales agent for
- Integra Travel in Cincinnati, OH. The agency is a general travel agency
- which offers complete service for both domestic and international trips.
- Germantown Travel <airtkts@airtravel.com> in Germantown Md is
- a full service airline ticket agency suppling information and discounted
- tickets for domestic and international travel.
- Travel World <OXFORDU@vax1.bemidji.msus.edu> is a full-service Carlson Travel
- Network Agency also offering tours and colsolidator tickets. Prices are
- competitive.
- Leigh Ann Hildebrand-Chupp <inanna@netcom.com> is an outside agent with
- Ambassador World Travel in Atlanta, specializing in travel for special
- interest groups, including the leather community. She offers a free
- bi-weekly email travel newsletter.
- Dave Rose at Planet Travel <73632.3401@compuserve.com> or
- <dpuddest@morgan.ucs.mun.ca> is a full service travel agency for the Gay
- and Lesbian community.
- AOI Travel <aoi@xmission.com> offers air travel and Eurail services, and
- discount air to Europe. They have a WWW site with travel information
- at http://xmission.com/~aoi.
- Mike Espinosa <maluku@netcom.com> is a travel outfitter, specializing in
- trips to south and southeast Asia, including consolidator tickets for
- Asian airlines.
- Roberto Torrini of Interpro Travel Service <interpro@netcom.com> of Laguna
- Niguel, CA is a full service bilingual agency specializing in trips and
- tours to Italy for individuals, families, and groups.
- Jack Diem <jdiem@netcom.com> at Blue Skies Travel Agency, in Brea, CA.
- He specializes in Mexico and the Pacific.
- CTM Travel <ctm-trav@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> in Coral Springs FL
- welcomes business from the Internet.
- AESU Travel in Baltimore <aesu@charm.net> operates tours to Europe for
- 18-35 year olds and is also airticket consolidators (Europe only). WWW
- page is http://www.charm.net/~aesu/
- Travel Network <travlnet@usa.net> is a full service agency offering their own
- frequent flyer program.
- Coastliners, <coastlin@orange.digex.net> full service WORLDSPAN agency in
- Anaheim, Calif. has heavily discounted cruises, and discounted air programs
- from Calif. across the US.
- JonesTravel <prl@netcom.com> has a WWW homepage with info on tours to Las
- Vegas and other destinations at http;//www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~iew/index.html
- Manny Segal at Vacation Partners <jdea73a@prodigy.com> runs a service that
- finds compatible travel mates for single travelers, for compainionship and
- to avoid the dreaded single supplement.
- World Beat Travel is a full service multilingual agency in Montreal,
- <world_beat@travelcom.com> for travellers originating in Canada and, or
- <quebec_canada@travelcom.com> for services for visitors.
- Bill Byrnes <William144@aol.com> author of "Airfare Secrets" specializes
- in high value Round the World, long haul and missionary travel. Offshore
- ticketing from Euro and Asian consolidators.
- Torcaza Trails offer a trek in the Andes and other ecoturim/adventure travel
- opportunities in Venezuela. email <rdrake@ing.ula.ve> or
- http://venezuela.mit.edu/toursim/torcaza/torcaza1.html
- Scott Royce <scott31@delphi.com> runs B&B Bookings, a bed and breakfast
- reservation service concentrating on Southeastern Connecticut.
- Genie Travel Services Inc. <info@genietravel.com> specializes in discounted
- international and domestic airline tickets for Internet customers. For prices,
- see WWW archives at http://www.genietravel.com, e-mail, or call 800-Oh-Genie!
- Endeavour Travel <Endeavour@Anzac.com> is a fully accredited travel
- agency specialising in NZ and Australian travel, staffed in large part by
- Aussies and Kiwis. Web pages at http://www.anzac.com/endvr/endvr.com
- Marla Baer-Peckham <marla@iquest.com> of Cornucopia First Class Travel is
- a full-service travel agency. WWW page at http://iquest.com/~marla,
- Kenneth Rishty <kool-ken@escape.com> is with Vintage Travel in downtown
- Manhattan in New York City. He welcomes clients for either corporate or
- leisure travel, and is also knowledgeable about Gay and Lesbian travel.
- Maryann Novajosky <WTRW38A@prodigy.com> publishes a free
- bi-weekly e-mail newsletter of discounted cruise vacation
- specials and cruise-related news.
- NOTE: If you're a travel agent and would like to be listed, drop me a note
- and I'll add you. Please make my life easier by e-mailing me a three-line or
- so description in the style above. Thanks.
- --
- John R. Levine, IECC, POB 349, Cambridge MA 02238, +1 617 492 3869
- johnl@iecc.com "Space aliens are stealing American jobs." - Stanford econ prof